Thursday 25 April 2013

Net66 Complaints and How to Handle Them

What do you do when you receive a complaint? Net66 have put together some tips to help you through this based on Net66 Complaints procedure.

First of all, whenever you get a complaint, deal with it immediately. People really dislike not being listened to and this could antagonise the person making the complaint, which instantly makes things worse. Even if it's just a quick call or an email to let them know you've received their complaint and will be getting back to them. That contact could alleviate some of the aggravation your client has.

Secondly, investigate. If the person is complaining about a particular issue then what you first need to do is find out how this issue first arose, figure out what caused this issue and you can apply a long term fix to prevent it happening again. Much in the same way Doctors treat illnesses and not symptoms fix the cause and there'll be no issue.

Finally, consult with the client. You can't just contact a client with a generic "All fixed" message, you need to give them the full picture. So talk them through what led up to the incident being caused, how you've fixed it and how you've fixed it so the client will never have to complain again.

Then you'll have happy clients for life.

Blog post by: Greg McVey on behalf of Net66

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Top 10 SEO myths | Net66

    1) Meta tags alone will boost your rankings This is not true. Meta tags have been abused by spammers for so long that search engines no longer place much, if any stock in them. Now, Net66 won't go as far as to say that it is a complete waste of time, after all it takes very little time to add them. However, they are not the best use of your time.
    2) It’s necessary to include a meta robots tag specifying index, follow False. It is totally unnecessary. All search engines follow and index unless they are informed not to do so. 
    3) The importance of anchor text
    It was once thought that your sites Google rankings could be boosted by simply adding a few keyword anchor links. This is not the case. Once more, I feel that I must add that they are of use, but they are mainly to give a brief description of linked page. Here at Net66, we believe that the value for SEO ratings is nominal.
    4) H1 tags are a crucial for on page SEO
    Much like the use of anchor text, this has been discredited following research by SEOmoz. There is very little correlation between H1 tagged websites and search engine rankings.
    5) Reciprocal links are just as valuable as natural links
    Reciprocal links are of dubious value when it comes to increasing your page rating. Only natural links are of any real value.
    6) Linking out helps rankings
    Yes, it does. But only as part of a natural link building campaign. Adding links to the BBC website in an attempt to get you some of their prestige is useless. A good, natural balance of links in and links out of your site is what makes a difference.
    7) SEO is a one-time activity
    SEO is an ongoing process, there is always more that can be done for any site. Rankings can drop, competitors can increase their SEO campaign or Google could change its algorithm. Good SEO never ends.
    8) A site map is just for spiders
    A good site map is constructed in a way that it provides value for both humans and spiders. Use HTML, make it fit with your site. Avoid using any methods that target just the search engines.
    9) There’s no need to link to all your pages
    Orphan pages are rarely indexed by Google. If there are pages that you don't want to link to, improve them so that they add value to your site!
    10) Great Content = Great rankings
    Much like any other aspect of SEO, great content alone does not guarantee a well ranked website. However, content should form the foundation of your web marketing strategy. See Net66 's last blog on Web Content.

Monday 17 October 2011

Content is Still King | Net66

It is surprising how many companies, big household names, seem to neglect the importance of good, optimised web copy. Here at Net66, we often state to our clients that content is king, and that one of the most important factors of SEO is the creation of good, unique and optimised web content.

Now, more then ever, it seems to be of the utmost importance to focus of creating good copy. This is important for several reasons:

  • Increases search engine rankings, and thus traffic.
  • Creates content that others will want to talk about, and will want to link to.
  • Engages the reader.
  • Differentiates you from your competition.

Lets take the first point, good web copy can increase your search engine ranking. This is for two reasons; firstly, it is the search engines job to return the most relevant web page. In order to do this, they look at several factors, one of which is content. If you have a website with good, unique content then the search engines can see it as being more related to the initial search query. Thus, your website will appear higher on the SERP. Secondly, if your content is too similar to another website the search engine will often need to decide which page to display to the user, as they don't want to produce several duplicate websites. Therefore, the best way for you to ensure that your website is returned for your targeted terms is to produce good, unique content that has been written with SEO in mind.

Good web copy also creates entertaining, interactive and interesting content that people will want to talk about and share with their friends, family and colleagues. Many people think that this only an important or useful factor for certain websites; this is not the case. All websites, regardless of its focus can utilise the power of great content. For instance, if you run a solar panel fitting business it would be very useful to have a blog on your website that talks about solar energy. By creating consistently good content you not only increase the depth of your website, and increase its on page relevance, you also create something that people will share.

In today's online world, it has never been more essential to engage with your reader. Think about it, when was the last time that you bought anything from a website with poorly written copy or hung around on a website that you deem irrelevance to your search term? Well written and exciting copy can create this engagement and can keep users on your website, encourage them to read other things and make that all important purchase or call.

Additionally, good content can differentiate you from your competition. Think of it this way, if your closest rival has a basic website, but you have a well designed, well written website with unique and relevant content, who is more likely to generate business? Your website is a reflection of your company, if your online representation is substandard, many customers will subconsciously relate that to the quality of your work.

Okay, so web content is important, but how do you make it?

Yes, it can seem hard at times to create good, unique and interesting content. This is particularly true when your business doesn't easily lend itself to such a task. But, no matter what your field, there is always something to talk about. Take a look at some of these sure-fire ways to write enthralling copy:

  • Write a blog: This can be a great way to generate interest and create engaging copy. You can talk about your field in great depth and provide an insight into your business for your customers.
  • Hire a good SEO company. Here at Net66, we employ only the very best digital marketeers. We see web content as an integral part of the optimisation process, our copywriters can add that much needed content for you.
  • Conduct an interview with an expert in your field, and feature it on your site.
  • Write reviews of a new product. If you are a hair stylist, check out the latest hair product and write up your thoughts on your site. 

Friday 14 October 2011

5 often overlooked aspects of SEO | Net66

In this day and age, the internet is king. Without fully utilising it potential you are seriously limiting your business prospects. However, it is not enough to merely design and publish a website, you must also engage in a process known as Search Engine Optimisation or SEO.

Here at Net66, we believe that this is key to a successful website. After all, there is no point in designing and developing a fantastic website if no one will ever see it. Therefore, we have created a list of 5 of the most important, and often over looked factors in SEO. 


 At Net66 we believe this is the most important factor. Your content should be well written, logical and reliant. It is also important to include your keywords, but first and foremost you should write for your users. There is absolutely no point in stuffing as many of your keywords into your copy as possible. While it may read well for the search engines, it will alienate your users, resulting in fewer sales.

At Net66, our digital marketing executives highlight two fundamental reasons as to why content is so important; firstly, when Google indexes your website it looks to the content to see what your page is about. There is no point in optimising your website to be for cats, when your website is really about dogs. Additionally, Google often punishes such deception, whether inadvertent or not. Secondly, your website must appear as advertised on Google in order to retain an potential customers. How long do you spend on a website that doesn't answer your search query or is badly written. 

Page Titles

It is of the utmost importance that the page title actually reflects what is on the page. This is the main way that search engines understand your website. Net66 often sees title tags that are simple and non-descriptive. For example, home pages are often titled just that: “Home”. It is much better practice to include a brief description of what the page is actually about. For instance: “Bill's dog walking service | Specialist K-9 Walkers | Bath | Home”.

Don't Design Your Website Without Considering SEO

Make sure that your web developer understands your need for organic SEO and that he has the relevant knowledge to implement your search optimisation strategy. Doing a retro fit SEO service on your website after it is built if far more difficult. For instance, take flash based websites, Google crawlers cannot understand flash – just text. Better yet, get an all in one agency that offers web design, development and SEO, like Net66.

Site Map

A large website needs a site map. This is something that Net66 aims to provide for all its customers as it helps search engine robots find every page with just a few 'clicks'.

Anchor Text

It is obviously important to link your customers to other pages in your site; it helps to encourage people stay on your website and directs them to relevant content. However, all to often our marketeers at Net66 see websites that use “Click Here” instead of having a descriptive, keyword as the anchor text. As Goolge gives higher value to text that has a duel function (such as headings) it is very important that people use anchor text for their keywords. 

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Importance of White Hat SEO | Net66

One cannot over-state the importance of search engine optimisation (SEO). When you want to find a local business, hang-out or event, do you go and get the phone book? Of course not; nowadays everyone heads to the nearest computer and brings up their search engine of choice. Therefore, your website needs to be prominently displayed, on the first page and close to the top of the results. The reason for this is quite simple: pages near to the top of the search engine are often seen as being the most reliant, the most trustworthy and the most authentic. Here at Net66, this is our goal. We aim to provide authentic search results based on organic SEO methods.

Generally speaking, there are two ways to get your website onto the first page of Google. Firstly, you can purchase some Google advertising; this is known as pay per click or PPC advertising. In terms of SEO, this is often seen as less valuable as many people often ignore the ads. Nevertheless, there are some benefits to PPC advertising: enough that Net66 runs campaigns that fully utilise the power of PPC. For instance, the results are instantaneous (something that organic SEO cannot offer) and it does drive traffic. Secondly, there is organic SEO. This is often touted as being the most important factor in online marketing. This claim is not without foundation; as mentioned earlier, the higher you are on Google, the more trusted and visited your website will become.

As such, there is vast temptation to engage in unethical practices known as “black hat” SEO. Some methods of black hat SEO include:

  • Hidden Text
  • Spam Blog or Forum Posts
  • Keyword stuffing
  • Use of 'Link Farms'

However, these methods of SEO are, typically, contrary to Google's Webmaster guidelines and, as such, often get 'punished' by Google. This could result in your webpage being removed from the search engine giants results and not being indexed. Therefore, all your hard work and exhaustive SEO activities will be useless and your website will remain unvisited.

Thus, here at Net66, we believe that it is much more beneficial to engage in “white hat” SEO. These methods help your site to climb up the Google rankings in a more natural, ethical and approved manner. Some of the most effective white hat SEO techniques are:

  • Ensuring that your site has quality content on your site.
  • Using structural or semantic mark up and separate content from presentation.
  • Providing proper titles and meta data for your pages.
  • Doing adequate keyword research, and targeting your campaign for your area.
  • Quality inbound links.

In addition to being both safer and ethical, white hat SEO also has benefits for your business or website. For instance, there is no point in getting to the top of the search results for one term, using unethical methods of optimisation, only to have high traffic and no sales due to people not finding what they need on your site. After all, how long do you normally browse a site if it is not what you searched for?

To ensure that your website observes the guidelines distributed by Google and doesn't violate any of the search engine's rules, it is advised that you employ an in-house webmaster or recruit a professional SEO agency, such as Net66, that has knowledge of the guidelines, and sticks to them. In conclusion, a poor, erratic or unethical approach to SEO can be damning for your website. Employ an agency that acknowledges that. Employ Net66. 

Monday 10 October 2011

Net66 Web Design and SEO Services | Net66

Net66, based in Manchester, specialise in Web Design and Development for business, php programming and one-off bespoke web design and development projects.

As a Web Design and SEO agency we see ourselves an extension of our clients business, and are integral to our customers marketing strategies and are on hand to action any necessary works to ensure  our clients are making the most out of the internet and the online marketplace.  Whether you are a sole trader, SME or National corporation, our team can make sure your online presence is up to scratch and you are targeting the right areas.

Here at Net66 we have the capabilities to create traditional, contemporary and innovative concept designs that will reflect your vision, your business's products, services and your unique corporate identity.

Aswell as high end Web Design, net66 team of highly experienced PHP developers regularly create bespoke IT systems, company intranet systems and fully interactive web solutions tailored to any businesses specific requirements.

Whether you are a new business or are looking to increase your existing online presence get in touch today for a great value service and product.